Our Mission
To strengthen and develop membership organizations to foster an efficient and innovative industry contributing to the manufacturing base of the nation and to provide opportunities for all stakeholders.
Our Vision
To continue to be the united voice of the plastic industry to enable a vibrant and sustainable plastics industry in Ghana with the highest ethical standards, delivering exceptional value for Members, Stakeholders, Communities and Government..
Our Core Values
GPMA, our core value - to promote circular economy and create value addition on all forms of Plastic Waste in Ghana. We shall continuously project and promote The 4 R’s - REDUCE, RECOVER, REUSE, RECYCLE in Ghana by every appropriate means.
Welcome To Ghana Plastic Manufacturers' Association

Ghana Plastic Manufacturers’ Association was founded in 2004 by plastic manufacturers’ and supported by the Ministry of Trade & Industries. As at June 2021, we have 164 plastic manufacturing companies in the country giving direct employment to over 27,940 people and indirect employment of over 6,900 and also generates over 2.9 million jobs in the plastic waste recycling sector. Currently, GPMA members put together are producing 492,865 metric tons annually in flexibles and about 1.69 million metric tons in rigid/furniture plastics annually. Indeed, about 87% of industries in Ghana depend on the Plastic Manufacturers for all their plastic packaging needs. Equally, about 80% of industries in Togo, Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger depends on Ghana Plastic Manufacturers for their plastic packaging needs. The Plastic Industry in Ghana is the Backbone for the Sachet & Bottled Water Industry which gives employment to over 1.414 million people.
Our Objectives
- To support Government Legislative Instruments on plastic waste recycling programs.
- To provide platform for regulating activities that have adverse effect on the environment by the use of plastic products.
- To partner and or collaborate with companies and institutions of similar objectives in pursuing programs and projects to eliminate plastic waste to the barest minimum in Ghana.
- To promote and maintain the recognition of Plastic products and its contribution to the National economy
- To hold conferences, exhibitions, seminars and other functions calculated to promote the interest of its members.
- To provide technical advice, support research, designs and implement programmes on plastic waste management, recycling and to promote environmentally responsible actions that will benefit industry and society.
News And Events

JICA Visit
The Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA) visited the GPMA Secretariat to discuss technical corporation and also took a visit to Minipast Limited.

Release funds from environmental excise tax
The Ghana Plastic Manufacturers Association (GPMA) has called on the government to release the 10 per cent environmental excise tax with immediate effect for its intended purpose.

Produce Degradable Plastics – Manufacturers Told
The Ghana Plastic Manufacturers Association (GPMA) has urged its members to use one per cent Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) additives in the manufacture of plastic materials.